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Created in 2015
― 35 organisations
Coordinating organization :

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, TLP-DRC, created in 2015, brings together 35 civil society organisations including ACPD (Actions des chrétiens pour la promotion de la Paix et du Développement), Action Solidaire pour le développement endogène et la paix, AFRO (Actions sans frontières), ATK Sud-Kivu (Amani na Tumaini Kwetu), ASFCO (Amis Sans Frontières du Congo), Arche de Noé, ASADHO (Association Africaine de défense des Droits de l'Homme), the Association des reboiseurs du Bushi et regroupement des écologistes, AETA (Association pour des élections transparentes et apaisées), ANU-RDC (Association pour les Nations Unies de la Republique Democratique du Congo), CASC (Collectif d'Actions de la Société Civile), the Collectif des Parties Civiles du Kivu, CENCO (Commission Episcopale Justice et Paix de RDC), Filimbi, the Christophe BIRINGANINE Foundation, the FPJAD (Fondation point des vues des jeunes africains pour le développement), les Héritiers de la Justice, Initiatives Alpha, Justice et Paix, Justice pour tous, Justicia Lubumbashi, KAF (Kataliko actions for africa), Karibu Jeunesse Nouvelle, the LUCHA (Lutte pour le Changement), Mouvement Citoyen ECHA, Mouvement Citoyen Il est Temps, Mouvement Citoyen Plus jamais ça, Mouvement Citoyen Réveil des Indignés, the Mouvement Citoyen Vigilance Citoyenne, the NDSCI (Nouvelle Dynamique de la Société Civile en République Démocratique du Congo), the ODM (Ouvriers du Monde), ProxiMédias Libres, SFVS (Synergie des Femmes pour les Victimes des violences Sexuelles), the UFDH (Union des femmes pour la dignité humaine) and the Union Nationale des Creuseurs Artisanaux.

Since 2016, the TLP-RDC has been carrying out several activities ranging from electoral awareness raising to election observation and citizen monitoring of the electoral process. During the years 2017-2018, the TLP-DRC has mobilised on several fronts: prevent President Kabila from running for a third term in violation of the constitution, get the various stakeholders in the Democratic Republic of Congo to fulfil their obligations so that the electoral calendar is not delayed in its implementation, put in place awareness-raising activities and electoral education on democratic values, organise advocacy for the respect of human rights and distributive justice for the benefit of all Congolese citizens, fight against human rights violations committed by dignitaries of the regime (against land grabbing by force in violation of international rights and conventions). On 4 October 2018, Dr. Denis MUKWEGE, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner, gave his support and unreserved support to the fight led by the TLP-DRC.

In 2019, the TLP actively participated in the alternation at the top of the state with the departure of Joseph Kabila, as this interview shows: DRC: Turning the page denounces a "facade alternation"
