In Burundi, the Tournons La Page coalition was created in 2015 and brings together 15 civil society organisations, including :
ACAT-Burundi, APRODH (Association for the Promotion of Human Rights and Detained Persons), CB-CPI (Burundian Coalition for the ICC), COSOME (Civil Society Coalition for Electoral Monitoring), CAVIB (Collective of Lawyers for the Defence of Victims), DYNASCO (Socio-Economic Dynamics in Burundi), FOCODE (Forum for Conscience and Development), FORSC (Forum for the Strengthening of Civil Society in Burundi), Halt to the 3rd mandate, Ligue ITEKA, LINELIT (National League for Free and Transparent Elections), MFFPS (Women's and Girls' Movement for Peace and Security), RCP (Network of Probe Citizens), SOS-Torture/Burundi and UBJ (Burundian Union of Journalists).
These organisations carry out a variety of actions: the fight against torture, the promotion of human rights, women's rights and socio-economic rights, the implementation of strategic trials, coaching and support for young people, support for democratic changeover, peace and security, the promotion of civil liberties and freedom of the press, etc.
TLP-Burundi, unlike other coalitions, essentially conducts reflection and mobilisation actions on social networks. Indeed, the Burundi coalition has a particularity: because of the repression exercised against its members, the majority of them are currently in exile. Burundian TLP activists are in several countries such as Rwanda, Uganda and Belgium.