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Created in 2015
― 27 organisations
Coordinating organization :
Dynamique citoyenne

In Cameroon, the Tournons La Page coalition was created in September 2015.

It brings together 27 civil society organisations, including ADDEC (Association de Défense des Droits des Etudiants), ASSOAL (Association des Amoureux du Livre), CDR (Centre de Développement des Ressources), CEFIF (Centrale d’Etudes et de Facilitation de l’immatriculation Foncière), COSADER (Collectif pour la sécurité Alimentaire et le Développement Rural), COSCA (Collectif des Organisations de la Société Civile de l’Adamaoua), CPMC (Citoyens Pour la Mémoire du Cameroun), CSP (Centrale syndicale du Secteur Public), Dynamique citoyenne, Emploi Sûr, FECASE (Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l’Éducation), FGI (Finders Group Initiative), FCJ (Fondation Conseil Jeune), INITIATIVES, Collectif InterAction, JEURAC (Jeunesse Rurale Active), Justice et Paix, PFIAD (Plateforme d'information et d'Action sur la dette), REDHAC (Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale), RESYPAT (Réseau de Synergie Contre les Pathologies Tropicales), RNHC (Réseau National des Habitants du Cameroun),  SEP (Service d’Étude pour la Paix), SNAEF (Syndicat National Autonome de l’éducation et de la Formation), Soleil plus, Un monde avenir and WILF.

TLP-Cameroon is present in nine regions of Cameroon (with the exception of the North-West region, for security reasons) and has about 50 delegates spread throughout the country.

During the years 2018-2019, TLP-Cameroon's activities are organised around different axes: organisation of press conferences on national current affairs, on the pre- and post-electoral context, electoral observations, post-presidential election monitoring meetings, organisation, with the support of REDHAC, of workshops on the protection of human rights defenders, journalists and activists in relation to digital and computer security, and the production of communication tools. TLP-Cameroon has also been strongly mobilised to sensitise citizens of voting age to register massively on the electoral roll. Its facilitators were deployed in Yaounde, Bafia, Monatélé, Mfou, Eséka, Mbalmayo and Akonolinga. About 45,000 people have been sensitised in the various localities targeted in 2018.

From the first day of their activity in Cameroon, September 15, 2015, the members of TLP suffered repression.

