The Citizen's Campaign for Term Limits (Original name in French : Campagne Citoyenne pour la Limitation des Mandats) - coordinated by Tournons La Page - is an initiative that seeks to promote democratic change through innovative democracy and good governance awareness activities. To learn more about this campaign, please watch the video below :
(Please enable the English subtitles before watching this introduction video.)
This campaign will be inaugurated during a MAJOR PANAFRICAN CONCERT which will take place in Dakar (Senegal) on September 17, 2020 and which will gather 11 artists from 7 African countries:
- Meiway from Ivory Coast
- Didier Awadi from Senegal
- Elom 20ce from Togo
- Nourrath la Debboslam from Niger
- Nanda from Gabon
- Momo Kankua from Togo
- Léman from Benin
- Papy Kerro from the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Amen Jah Cissé from Togo
- Lyne des mots from Ivory Coast
- Don Stash from Togo
For the latest information on this concert, we invite you to visit the campaign website and to follow the social networks listed below:
Site web de la Campagne Citoyenne pour la Limitation des Mandats
@Limitation2Mandats / Facebook event :
📢 Other multimedia content from the Campaign:
⏩Conflict and power capture: what relationship?
(Please enable the English subtitles)