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A network of 90 lawyers to protect our members
Article  Posté le 10:03 12-05-2022, modifié le 10:03 12-05-2022 par Tournons la Page

Tournons La Page, in partnership with Agir Ensemble pour les Droits Humains, has set up, since 2021, pools of lawyers in ten countries in Africa: Burundi - Cameroon - Congo - Ivory Coast - Gabon - Guinea - Niger - DRC - Chad and Togo.

The establishment of the pools of lawyers is part of the Tournons La Page protection project. With 92 lawyers, the role of these pools, in each country, is to provide free or low-cost consultations - legal and judicial assistance to members of Tournons La Page.

Human rights defenders are facing threats, arrests, imprisonments and harassment by the authorities because of their opinions.

These lawyers take on the role of practicing law to advise our members and present their defense. To facilitate a quick response from the lawyers, Tournons La Page has formed pools with national lawyers in each country.

Each year, a sharing workshop between lawyers from the same country is organized in order to reinforce the solidarity and cohesion of the collective. In January 2023, a dozen lawyers from the entire network will meet on the sidelines of TLP's International General Assembly to reflect together on strategic litigation aimed at opening up the civic space in Africa.
